Application Procedures

Have your parents sign the ACADEMIC RECORDS RELEASE FORM and give it to your current school's Main Office to process. They will send Damien a copy of your official school records.

  1. Complete an application for Admission (Online).

  2. Have TWO of your teachers complete the TEACHER REFERENCE REPORT (preferably English and Math) and have the teachers either email them to or mail it to the Damien Admissions Office. Be sure to complete the top portion of each recommendation before giving them to your teachers. A stamped envelope addressed to the Damien Admissions Office should be supplied to each teacher if they are going to send the references in via mail.

  3. Schedule an INTERVIEW with a member of the Admissions Committee. Our Interview days are scheduled for January 25, February 22, and March 29. This interview will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about Damien and will provide us with the opportunity to meet you and your family. We will contact you to schedule an appointment after all other steps have been completed.

Apply Online

Complete school forms, upload documents and track your progress via student checklists