College Advising
College Counseling Services
Our Counselors will…
Guide seniors through all stages of college application process;
Meet with seniors at frequent intervals regarding scholarships and financial aid;
Advise students in 9th to 12th grade about college options and resources;
Serve as point of contact for on-campus college visits to Damien.
Provide resources for SAT/ACT test preparation and registration;
Naviance Support
Counselors advise students, faculty and administration on use of Naviance college and career readiness program.
and process college application support forms (e.g., transcripts
Additional Services
Ensure CORE courses are registered with NCAA Clearinghouse;
Provide guidance to student athletes regarding NCAA eligibility;
Facilitate financial aid (FAFSA) seminars/workshops for students and parents;
Coordinate October in-school testing for 9 th -12th grades, including PSAT, College Board-Advanced Placement (AP) tests, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery;
Maintain external relationships to bring services/opportunities to students (e.g., scholarships; SAT/ACT test preparation courses; internships; guest speakers; etc.).
Update School Profile submitted to colleges where students apply for admission;
Serve as AP coordinator in collaboration with College Board;
Administer AP program and provide guidance to students and faculty;
Administer yearly College Board end-of- course AP exams.
College Applications & Testing
The Naviance Readiness Solution is a comprehensive toolset that helps you assess and develop essential competencies students need to be successful after high school.
Your Future Starts Here.
Apply to college for the first time or transfer to complete your degree. Navigate your entire college application journey with Common App.
Get connected with everything you need to apply to college, research financial aid and scholarships, and get advice from counselors, advisors and mentors.
ACT Registration
The ACT website provides everything you need to know about the ACT test.
ACT Superscoring is Now Available! ACT will now provide an automatically calculated ACT Superscore to all students who have taken the ACT more than once from September 2016 to current day.
Register for the SAT.
College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, College Board was created to expand access to higher education.
College Searches & Preparation
Best Online College Degrees & Types List. Top Associate, Bachelor’s & Master Degree Programs, Careers and Salary options
There are many choices for fields and careers. In terms of popularity, computers and technology rank near the top as does Healthcare and related fields. Education and Social services have a middle rank along with the Arts and Communications. Science is in the top ten along with the business fields.
Fastweb is your connection to scholarships, colleges, financial aid and more. We're the leading online resource in finding scholarships to help you pay for school.
Find the money you need to pay for college with Fastweb.
Our mission is to move every student closer to day one at the college that’s right for them. With the most current and complete profiles of every college in the United States, a multi-billion dollar scholarship database, advanced matching algorithms, and direct connections with colleges, we get students from wherever they are now to their first day on campus.
SAT Test Preparation: Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practices
Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.
In a recent study, students were over twice as likely to meet grade-level standards with Khan Academy. Districts across the country are partnering with us to ensure all their students succeed.
For College Bound Student-Athletes
Hobson Counselor Community is open to high school and college admission counselors and is intended to provide a place where you can build relationships, develop deeper knowledge about secondary and postsecondary institutions, and work together to help students find best-fit options.
NCAA Registration
Creating an account is the first step to becoming a NCAA student-athlete
Visit our website for a checklist of all required information ready to enter. Search our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about becoming an NCAA student-athlete.
NCAA Guide For College Bound Student-Athletes
This Guide has been designed to help you, your family and your high school administrators understand the NCAA initial-eligibility process and to prepare you for transitioning from high school to becoming an NCAA Division I or II student-athlete.
College Scholarships & Financial Aid
Federal Student Aid
You Are America's Smartest Investment
The U.S. Department of Education's office of Federal Student Aid provides more than $120 billion in financial aid to help pay for college or career school each year.
The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the WEB.
NACAC College Fairs
Find the College that’s Right For You.
Meet with hundreds of colleges at NACAC College Fairs!
Sallie Mae Paying for College Resource
It’s Like Having Your Own College Coach.
Jump-start your plan with $1,000 for college! Just register for our free Scholarship Search and College Planning Calculator to be entered for you chance to win.