Technology on Campus
One-to-One Devices
Beginning in grade 6 and continuing through grade 12, all students are provided an Apple iPad Pro with a customized package of applications. Teachers then incorporate the use of iPad into their curriculum through diverse, computer-based activities. Access to and support for digital information, tools, devices and rich learning opportunities are fully integrated throughout the educational environment. Therefore, any technology fees are added after tuition.
Students use the iPad throughout the day and across campus, taking advantage of the wireless environment. As the iPads are integral to the curriculum, students take the devices home as extensions of the learning experience.
Damien Memorial provides a secure and robust technology infrastructure on campus, including age-appropriate Internet filtering; and guidance regarding Internet safety and online etiquette. Technical assistance is readily available to students from their teachers or the Damien Help Desk.
Acceptable Use Policy
Please click here for our technology Acceptable Use Policy.