Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry is an important and vibrant part of Damien Memorial’s school culture and life. The student ministry lives the Gospel message by embracing the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice/Christian Brothers education. Through leading Days of Recollection, liturgies, serving the marginalized and caring for God’s creations through environmental projects and the Christian Service Hours Program, the Damien Memorial student lives the mission to be respectful, responsible and community-minded as they serve God, others and God’s creation in nature..
Music Ministry
All students who possess musical talents and gifts with their singing voice or playing instruments are welcome to serve God and our Damien community in a very special way.

Other Campus Ministry Activities include:
Prayer is offered at the start of each morning as a community in Christ through our PA system and in every class throughout the day.
Days of Recollection
Our freshman, sophomores and seniors are offered time to reflect on their journeys and recommit themselves toward self-improvement and healthier relationships with God, family, friends and community.
Encounter Retreats
A wonderful, voluntary, 4-day experience, for upperclassmen to truly get away and focus on what matters the most. It is a spiritual program with a rich tradition at Damien Memorial with incredible experiences of God’s grace, blessings and transformation.
Guest Speakers
Visits by special guest speakers to educate and share the blessings and richness of the Catholic faith.
Environmental Service Retreats (Middle School)
Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are privileged and blessed to care for Hawaii’s fragile environment by restoring our native ecology. Retreat activities include the restoration of an ancient Hawaiian fishpond in Kaneohe at Paepae O He’eia, working with the University of Hawaii-Manoa’s Lyon Arboretum as they plant and restore native Hawaiian trees, plants, flowers and grasses while eradicating invasive, harmful species, or assisting with the restoration of Hawaii’s marine life by saving the reefs and eradicating invasive seaweed (“gorilla ogo”) that harms and kills the coral reefs, reduces fish populations and marine life diversity.
Prayer is led by student-athletes and coaches prior to practice and competitions with an emphasis on safety, Christian values and excellent sportsmanship.
Bagels with the Bishop
A unique and close-up encounter with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii and our graduating seniors. Getting to know each other and the church a little better and to remember what’s most important on their adult journey ahead; closing the event with a very special prayer and blessing for the senior class as they close out their high school journey and prepare for the next chapter of their lives.
Christian Service Requirement
As a Catholic school, Damien is strongly committed to helping the “least of Jesus’ brothers and sisters,”. In the spirit of this commitment, participation in Christian Service is a requirement of all Damien Memorial School students. Earning a Damien diploma is contingent on completing these Christian Service requirements.