Students grade 10 and 11 please observed the dress code found in the school handbook when preparing for class portraits.
The new uniform expectations for girls applies only to new incoming students. All new female students are required to wear the purple DMS polo shirt and plaid skort. For returning female students, the khaki shorts may be worn for the 2020- 2021 school year and will be phased out beginning the 2021-2022 school year. All returning students are expected to wear their purple or black DMS uniform shirt with khaki shorts/skort.
PE attire will be available through our Logo Shop. All shorts, slacks and skorts must be purchased from Dennis Uniform Company. Rolling of shorts is not permitted.
On days we have all-school liturgies and other dress-up occasions, boys are required to wear approved Dennis khaki slacks, any white dress shirt, a black tie and a solid black or brown belt. All new female students are required to wear the plaid skort with any white, collared blouse.
All returning female students students are to wear approved Dennis khaki slacks or khaki skorts with any white, collared blouse. Students may not wear shorts on dress-up days.
Outerwear will be limited to the Damien Letterman’s jacket, Damien affiliated sports jackets, and two cotton-blend jackets. Shoes must be low-cut, predominantly white or black. Students must wear solid black or solid white socks, with matching shoe color. Uniform shoes may not be worn during PE and other athletic activities, as we require school shoes remain clean and in good repair. White shoes especially must be kept clean.
ID photo badges must be worn and visible at all times. Lost, defaced or damaged ID cards must be replaced at a cost of $5. Students must arrive on campus in full dress code, including including ID, mask and face shield.
1. Hair
a. Hair must always be properly groomed and neat.
b. Outlandishly long or short styles are not permitted (no man buns, braids, dreads, ponytails, mohawks, faux hawks, poly hawks, foxtails, etc.).
c. Hair should not extend over the back of the collar or ears.
d. Shaving of the head in any style or form is not permitted.
e. No tinting, coloring or highlighting of hair is permitted.
f. Sideburns must not extend below the ear.
2. Facial Hair
a. All students must arrive at school clean-shaven each day.
b. Beards, mustaches and other forms of facial hair are not permitted.
3. Jewelry
a. No form of ear wear of any kind is permitted. This includes earrings, studs, pins, bars and gauges.
b. Chains, medals, etc. must only be worn under the shirt, except for the Encounter Cross or other small cross or crucifix worn with a simple, modest chain.
c. Body, nose, eyebrow and tongue piercings are not allowed. No upperbody visible tattoos when in school dress code.
4. Headgear Caps, hats, etc. may not be worn on campus during the school day, except when prior approval has been granted for special events by the Administration.
1. Hair*
a. Hair must always be properly groomed and neat.
b. Outlandishly short styles are not permitted.
c. Hair must be tied back in classes where it might pose a safety hazard (example: lab; PE)
d. No tinting, coloring or highlighting of hair is permitted.
2. Jewelry
a. One-stud earrings may be worn in each lower ear lobe only.
b. Excessive amounts of large bracelets and necklaces are not allowed.
c. Chains, medals, etc. must only be worn under the shirt, except for the Encounter Cross or other small cross or crucifix worn with a simple, modest chain.
d. Body, nose, eyebrow and tongue piercings are not allowed. No upper-body visible tattoos when wearing school uniform.
3. Headgear
Caps, hats, etc. may not be worn on campus during the school day, except when prior approval has been granted for special events by the Administration. A simple, solid colored, matching headband may be worn.
*Hair: Since hair style is subjective, the school does not normally assign detention at first offense, if we sense it is only a difference of interpretation and not willful disobedience. However, once the assistant principal for student life has determined a style or color is inappropriate, violations will be considered willful and demerits may be assigned