Deteriorating Mural to Be Rejuvenated with a Stunning New Artwork

Aloha from Damien Memorial School!  We are excited to inform you that you have been randomly selected to participate in a survey concerning the renowned Damien Mural. Your insights and opinions are highly valued, as they will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of public perspectives regarding this significant artistic creation.

The Damien Mural stands as a symbol of artistic expression, creativity, and inspiration for our school. As part of our ongoing efforts to gauge public sentiment and gather diverse viewpoints, we invite you to share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences regarding this captivating mural. Your participation will play an essential role in informing stakeholders, artists, and community leaders about the impact and resonance of the mural. The information you provide will remain anonymous and will be utilized solely for research purposes.

We genuinely appreciate your time and willingness to participate in this survey. By sharing your valuable insights, you help shape the narrative around our mural and influence its significance within our community. The information you provide will remain anonymous and will be utilized solely for research purposes.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey below. We kindly ask that you complete the survey by Monday, October 9th, 2023.

Thank you for your contribution to this vital research endeavor. Should you require further information, please don't hesitate to contact Stephen Guzman, Director of Communications and Marketing.


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