29 Students Selected By Committee into Nationally Recognized Organization. (NJHS)

On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, twenty-nine students selected by a committee of our school faculty were formally recognized and inducted into the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). NJHS is an elite group of students whose national recognition goes back to 1928 and is one of the most prestigious honors a student can attain. These students were selected because they demonstrate all five of the characteristics and values of NJHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character, and Citizenship. In addition, these students were selected because they truly live and represent our school's mission: to be Respectful, Responsible, and Community-Minded as well as our school's motto, "Viriliter Age", which means to "Act Courageously". 

Five of the characteristics and values of NJHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character, and Citizenship.

The success of these twenty-nine students is also in part because of the continued support from their parents and families, who instill in each of them the drive and perseverance needed to make a difference in our world. It all starts at home with you, the parents, and the families of these students. Many members of NJHS continue on in life to become politicians, actors, activists, Pulitzer prize winners, teachers, health care professionals, military service personnel, professional athletes, and citizens who have changed communities, our country, and the world. 

Members in NJHS serve as role models to their peers, are leaders in many student organizations, and serve our school and community through the planning and implementing of service projects throughout the year. NJHS encourages students to build upon their leadership skills, and work together in a community, and helps members to find their voice. 


Tomorrow’s Leaders Begin Their Journey Today at The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony.


NJHS Induction Ceremony