2024-2025 DHO Open Board Positions

The Damien Hui Ohana (DHO) Parent Club has openings for several board positions for the 2024-25 school year. The time commitment of being a board member is minimal and as parents ourselves, we understand busy schedules, travel, and work commitments so we’re flexible and we work together to help if someone is unavailable. Attendance at monthly board meetings is preferred for all board members, but excused when schedules don’t allow for attendance.
The following positions are open for next year. If you’re interested in any of the listed positions, please nominate yourself by filling out the Google Form that is attached. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at dhopresident@damien.edu and I’ll be happy to help with any questions.
Nominations will be accepted through Tuesday, March 19, 2024, with elections being held April 1-12, 2024 for any positions with multiple nominees.
Mahalo for considering a position for next year and for helping our Damien Ohana.
Kathleen Smith, DHO President
Fundraising Chair: The Fundraising Chair is responsible for finding new and different activities to generate income. This position works closely with the Treasurer.
Family Events Chair: The Family Events Chair oversees organizing the New Family Welcome event and orientation of new families to DMS throughout the year. This position works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator and Communications Chair.
School Representatives (one Middle School, one High School): School Representatives liaise on behalf of the DHO with parents/guardians for each grade level within their school division. In coordination with the Volunteer Coordinator and/or Fundraising Chair and/or Activities Representatives, the School Representatives gather assistance with/participation in DHO events and activities form the parents/guardians from each grade level. School Representatives may organize and designate a representative(s) from each grade level, but the grade level representative(s) will not be required to attend Board meetings, nor will they be considered as elected Board Members.
Activities Representatives (2): The Activities Representatives will assist in the planning, finances, and coordination of events and activities supporting the School Community, including the annual fall Thanks & Giving BINGO Night, and the Spring Movie Night. This position works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Chair, Fundraising Chair, School Representatives, and Treasurer.