Teachers’ Appreciation Week

Mahalo to all the families who contributed to the DHO’s Teacher Appreciation Week celebrations. Because of your generosity, we were able to honor and celebrate our hard working and dedicated teachers and staff with a variety of meals and treats.
By far, the most popular day was Spa Day where everyone who wanted one was treated to a massage from two licensed massage therapists. In addition to Spa Day, faculty and staff enjoyed breakfast on Monday morning, lunch on Friday, movie theatre snacks and popcorn, and school supply shopping. Mahalo also to everyone who donated school supplies. We had plenty to give away and plenty to re-stock the supply shelf in the teachers’ lounge, which should help them get through the rest of the school year.
Teachers and staff were very appreciative to all the families and the effort that was put into the celebrations, and we were grateful for the opportunity to honor them. That’s the Damien Difference.